Kamis, 18 November 2021

Lagi2 muncul setelah sekian tahun

 Oke, this is sounds crazy. But that's life, folks. Lagi lagi dan lagi aku muncul lagi di blog yg ternyata masih aktif sampai sekarang. Jujur aku sekarang tidak terlalu suka menulis tentqng diriku sendiri. Yg bisa kukatakan saat imi adalah, aku sudah berhenti jadi guru les bahasa Jepang. Yep, i quit. Things were messed up since pamdemic and suddenly the wheel of destiny has been playing with me again. So, i've decided to find any luck on Fiverr, for being a freelancer and Alhamdulillah. I've been survive since 2020 and still alive. And quiet busy with a a super tight schedule. I can't tell the details right now, maybe later. It's just a greeting for you, my blog. 

Lagi2 muncul setelah sekian tahun

 Oke, this is sounds crazy. But that's life, folks. Lagi lagi dan lagi aku muncul lagi di blog yg ternyata masih aktif sampai sekarang. ...